2014 is going to be a good year…I hope!
I want to make a few promises to myself….and what better way to hold myself accountable then to document it all here as my first post:)
1) Make it to the gym/a class/run outside (ie. some form of exercise) at least 4 times a week. {This is really hard for me in the winter. I hate getting out of bed when it is cold out!}
2) No sweets of any kind after 5pm! {I really should cut them out completely, but baby steps…}
3) Blog! My little peanut is growing…fast! I.hate.it! To ease the pain, I really enjoy looking back at the things we did together. My goal is to use this blog as a journal to document our life…making memories!
Cheers to 2014!
What wonderful resolutions followed but a very inspired quote.